Homespun Legacies


Natural materials

traditional methods

Blending history & natural materials in art

Fostering Tradition & History

My work fully embraces the past. With each technique, I work to stay true to the steps our ancestors used in creating a piece.

By considering purpose, colors, materials, and techniques. We can learn about the culture that followed the same steps and appreciate how our ancestors lived, worked, and passed on tradition.

Teaching others the various methods of creating fiber art preserves long-established traditions as well as provides personal growth and satisfaction for those who learn.

Organic, natural& sustainable materials

The foundation of my work begins with raw materials whether an animal’s fleece or plant materials grown or harvested in the wild. Nature provides a wealth of materials that can be used in the fiber arts. When I need materials not available locally, my preference is to purchase goods from small cottage industries, like myself, that use eco-friendly substances and practice ethical husbandry.